Today the Agreement of Cooperation in the field of digital transformation was signed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Digital Development of Public Administration, and also regional agriculture entities - Star Nafta, llc, AC Voshod-CT, llc and Khabibrahmanova S.M., individual farmer. Due to this document the entities will get consulting, managing, information-analytical and methodological support.
- Every year agricultural companies of the Republic introduce digital technologies more and more, - Ilshat Fazrakhmanov, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture of Bashkortostan said.- It is the demand of the time. Nowadays, a herd management system on a dairy farm or satellite navigation during field work is not a surprise. Technologies develop rapidly and our joint task with colleagues from the Ministry of Digital Development of Public Administration is to help enterprises assess their level of digitalization, and to form an action plan for the future based on it.
This event launched a project to create the most favorable conditions for providing comprehensive support to agricultural enterprises in the development and implementation of digital transformation strategies and successful participation in support measures provided by the state within the framework of the national program "Digital Economy of the Russian Federation" of the Digital Technologies project.
To implement these tasks, a Project office was created under the auspices of the ministries on the basis of the Association of Educational Organizations of the Republic of Bashkortostan "Electronic Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan", "Bashinformsvyaz" company (a subsidiary of Rostelecom), Lexema llc.
– One of the key areas of activity within the framework of the agreement, organized on the basis of the Project Office, is to conduct diagnostics, audit of enterprises and determine digital transformation strategies, determine a list of key performance indicators and calculation methods for them, recommendations on the strategy financing model, taking into account the possibility of attracting grant funds. The key element of digital transformation is economic effects for enterprises, which means a real increase in the gross regional product of the republic – said Gennady Razumikin, Minister of Digital Development of Public Administration of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
The parties who signed the agreement expressed confidence that joint work will optimize the organizational and production processes of enterprises, help republican manufacturers reach new technological level, and expand business prospects.
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